The 5th Water Research Commission (WRC) Biennial Symposium is a key event in the South African water sector calendar that will be taking place under the theme “Re-Imagine, Re-Build and Repeat: Future Proofing Water”. This year’s theme focuses on strategies and approaches that the water sector should adopt when working towards “future proofing water”.
WATERSHARE; HUMAN RIGHT 2 WATER (HR2W), SOUTH AFRICAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (SAHRC), WRC will host a session on Human Rights Based Approaches for a Resilient and Safe Future for All on September 20th from 15:00-16:00 CEST. Speakers and panelists include:
- Amanda Loeffen, HR2W CEO
- Gonzalo Meschengieser, AySA, Argentina
- Heather Smith, Cranfield University, UK
- Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, KWR and Watershare Director
With Mamohloding Tlhagale, WRC and Lisa Andrews, KWR and Watershare as hosts.
Watershare will also host a stand in the virtual Exhibition Hall – come join us there!
Register for this free Event here: