Watershare Interviews – Greg Ryan introduces WSAA

December 13, 2021

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Can you please introduce your organisation and field of expertise?

The Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) is the peak industry body representing the urban water industry in Australia. Our members provide water and sewerage services to over 24 million customers in Australia and New Zealand and many of Australia’s largest industrial and commercial enterprises.

I am Director of Business Excellence at WSAA. My portfolio covers all of the internal options a water utility is able to use to deliver excellence in customer service through asset management, digitisation, organisational resilience, people, health and safety along with research, development and innovation. My background has been in water businesses, consultancy and research.

With which colleagues from your organisation are you taking part in Watershare?

Initially WSAA’s engagement with Watershare will be through our Research, Development and Innovation team, which consists of Jason Mingo (Manager Environment and Technology Research) who oversees the WSAA RD&I program, with a particular focus on the formation of national and international relationships; and Dale Watson (Research and Innovation Coordinator) who coordinates internal communications about RD&I, and supports James in the delivery of the RD&I program.

What can WSAA bring to Watershare and what is WSAA looking for?

WSAA is looking to bring member case studies from the water and wastewater sector in the areas of digitalisation, technology adoption, hydrogen economy, circular economy and asset management. We are looking to understand leading and innovative practices in each of these areas. We are also seeking the ability to network with technical experts in these areas, and also areas where there are critical technical issues such as lead in drinking water fittings, hydrogen sulphide limits in sewers etc.

What do you see as the major opportunities for Watershare in 2021-2022?
Meetings and events to share good and leading practice experiences particularly in the areas of digitalisation, circular economy and the hydrogen economy; and the ability to network with key water industry and technical leaders to discuss and help resolve critical issues within particular countries utilising experience of how different countries have dealt with these issues.

What WSAA’s ambition as a Watershare member?

To be able to link Australian water utilities with their counterparts internationally to foster growth and learning in a manner that develops better business outcomes for customers. To be able to assist our members in sourcing technical experts at an international level to help resolve significant issues that are of global relevance.