Launch of “Women Who Water the World” – A space for action, exchange of knowledge and experiences

October 15, 2021

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(Image source: AySA,

Women play a fundamental role in the management and use of water, from collection, storage and use. Women have valuable knowledge about water, the quality, the accessibility and how to collect it. It is important to make visible the role played by women in the management of water, and promoting equal opportunities in decision-making spaces.

Women Who Water the World is a space for action, for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and knowledge that has women as its protagonist, and the recognition of the rights that have been established for them.

On 2 November 2021 at 2 pm ( GMT-3), AySA will hold a presentation to launch the Women Who Water the World space.

If you would like to join, kindly register using the following link:

More on Women Who Water the World can be found here: