KWR’s Joint Research Programme and Watershare launch webinar series on ‘Sharing International Experiences on Water Supply’

November 11, 2021

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Ongoing climate change, growing global populations and the intensification of economic activities is increasing the demand for global water supply. Innovative and appropriate solutions are needed to manage the pressure on water resources. To stimulate innovation and deliver new technologies and integrated solutions, collaborative and interdisciplinary water management process, strategies and policies across the water value chain are required.

In fact, addressing pressures on water resources is a shared responsibility. Much can be learned from one another, emphasising the value of sharing knowledge, expertise and experiences on applied research, novel business models and know-how. This may contribute to make water management and supply more sustainable, productive and/or efficient for the future.

International experts share and discuss new perspectives and insights on water supply in the webinar series ‘Sharing International Experiences on Water Supply’. The series is organised by KWR’s  Joint Research Programme (BTO) and Watershare.

Webinars in the series: