Join Watershare Members at the AquaCircular Conference on October 7-8th!

September 24, 2021


The newest Watershare Regional Hub in the Lower Danube River Basin is co-organising a session at the AquaCircular conference happening on October 7-8th. The Watershare Regional Hub, BDG, KWR, Agricola, NTUA Greece, Greener than Green Technologies, Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin (KWB) and the University of Exeter will all be participating in this webinar on Circular Economy principles, best practices and case studies from across the globe.

Watershare session: October 7th, 2021 13:00-15:00

The circular economy is a tool to achieve a more sustainable world. Circular economy examples are currently being applied and developed in Europe and partner countries. This webinar explains the concept of circular economy and demonstrates, through the description of case-studies, how to implement it at local scale. Further, a tool to support the development of sustainable solutions will be presented and used during the webinar. Partners from EU H2020 projects will describe examples to close the water, energy and materials cycles, aiming to achieve circularity. Case-studies from Greece (NTUA) ), Israel (Galilee Society and Greener than Green Technologies) and Romania (KWR and Agricola) will demonstrate how they were implemented at local level. A Serious Game, will be presented and used by the webinar attendants, aiming to support strategic decisions towards the implementation of sustainable solutions.


  • Ciprian Nanu, BD Group Romania
  • Anne Kleyboecker, KWB, Germany
  • Christos Makropoulos, NTUA Greece
  • Issam Sabbah, Galilee Society and Dimitri Iossifidis, Greener than Green Technologies
  • Johann Poinapen, KWR Netherlands, and Nicoleta Frunza, Agricola
  • Dr Mehdi Khoury, University of Exeter, England

Language: English and Romanian

Register here for the conference and join the session on October 7th!