In a vision setting meeting, Watershare members redefined the mission and purpose of the community

April 1, 2021

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Watershare was founded ten years ago. Over the past years, new members have joined the community, and the model of sharing tools is no longer actual. Watershare has now developed into a community of water utilities and research organisations that share knowledge, expertise and capacities. Members aim to increase outreach on water issues. By partnering, members can accelerate innovations towards the SDG’s and create impact. The recent launch of the regionals hubs strengthens the position of Watershare beyond Europe and supports the implementation of global expertise to address local challenges.

In various interactive sessions, members shared their vision and ambition for the Watershare community. They reviewed how members can benefit, what Watershare can bring to the water sector and how it can distinguish itself from other networks.

The meeting outcomes are to reach a collective understanding of the mission of Watershare and define a common purpose to guide the community in the coming five years.