Diam Technology Portal (DTP) – A window into Oman’s Water Utilities Technical Challenges

February 16, 2021

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Watershare Member, Diam Public Water Authority in Oman, is looking to collaborate on technical solutions to some of the country’s most pressing water issues. Read more below about the Diam Technology Portal (DTP) – launching this April 2021!

Diam Technology Portal (DTP) is a platform through which Diam shares its technical challenges with the world, to ensure it receives proposed solutions that are relevant and to ease the process of identifying and acquiring technical solutions for Diam and solution providers.

The DTP target audience consists mainly of:

  • Local and international companies: Companies based and working in Oman or outside with relevant offerings in terms of technology and/or technical services.
  • Research and academic institutions: Universities, colleges and institutes that might already perform or have the possibility to embark on research and development (R&D) related to Diam’s areas of interest.

The DTP is expected to go live early April 2021. It will be accessed via Diam’s website (www.diam.om).

If you’re interested to collaborate and for more information, please contact Eng. Saud Al Nadabi, Senior Manager of Investment & Planning at Diam on: saud.alnadabi@diam.om