Circular Economy of Water: A New Scientific Article About its Definition, Strategies and Challenges

April 12, 2022

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The article “Circular Economy of Water: Definition, Strategies and Challenges”, written by KWR experts (Stefania Munaretto & Caro Mooren) and an external scholar (Piero Morseletto), brings consistent terminology and clear conceptualisation of the circular economy of water. Circular economy of water is defined as an economic framework for reducing, preserving, and optimising the use of water through waste avoidance, efficient utilisation and quality retention while ensuring environmental protection and conservation. The article employs case studies from WiCE and NextGen projects and provides several examples to illustrate the nine strategies that innervate the circular economy of water. These are: Rethink, Avoid, Reduce, Replace, Reuse, Recycle, Cascade, Store and Recover. Finally, the article briefly reflects on relevant aspects such as legislation, barriers and opportunities, and roles and responsibilities in the governance of the circular economy related to water.

You can access the paper here: