Ciprian Nanu shares with us why his company, BDGroup (Romania), joined Watershare

June 10, 2021

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Can you please introduce your organisation and field of expertise?

Business Development Group (BDGroup) is a Romanian consultancy company with over 25 years of experience in contributing to the local and regional development in Romania and Central & Eastern Europe by involving stakeholders in various sectors.

BDGroup focuses on sustainable local development by creating a competitive institutional and economic environment, coherent policy adaptation to EU legislation, and functional institutional and legislative frameworks to stimulate business development and private-public partnerships. The company has been responsible for Eastern Europe activities within the European Innovation Partnership’s Secretariat (EIP Water). BDgroup pro-actively promotes climate change activities on the Danube River Lower Basin and develops circular economy water projects in some Eastern European countries( Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova). We strongly believe in innovation, and we use every available channel to facilitate the transfer of scientific concepts to market solutions.

What can you bring to Watershare, and what are you looking for?

My name is Ciprian Nanu. I am a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest and a Senior Partner in  Business Development Group SRL. He has experience leading projects that transfer innovative technologies in the environmental and energy sectors in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, the Netherlands, Great Britain, and the Czech Republic). As part of various international consultancy projects teams, I was responsible for the project management and coordination of technical project activities and stakeholders involvement. In Watershare, I can bring extensive practical knowledge and network in the Lower DANUBE Basin River countries.

Which opportunity do you see for Waterhare in 2021-2022?

The development of local Eastern Europe initiatives and partnerships within HORIZON Europe or other funding.

What are your ambitions as a Watershare member?

My ambitions are to 1) increase partnership and cooperation within the Watershare community, 2) assist Watershare in identifying, coordinating and exchanging know-how with the Eastern Europe network or partners, and 3) support networking with other water innovation platforms.

Ciprian Nanu.